Our Company

Fresh Brand.
Deep-rooted Knowledge.

Avokadoim established in 2019 to solve an on-growing need to have fresh avocados 365 days a year.

The increasing trend of consuming one of the most nutritious and delicious fruits, brought us in Avokadoim to think and execute a solution in which we combine our comprehensive knowledge in both agriculture and logistics fields.

Although our company is relatively fresh, we bring to the table extensive knowledge from cultivating to transporting agriculture goods. Being raised in a farmers environment, we share our natural passion for fresh fruits and vegetables with our clients.

The skills for quality

Our story begins in Israel back in 1969, where we started growing crops professionally with agriculture products. Yet way before, being raised in a farmers environment, we gained all the knowledge for demanding the best quality of agriculture goods that goes throughout our operation. Our deep understanding in agriculture assists us through our professional path to identity the best growers globally to cooperate with.

Our team

Boros Regina

Chief Operating Officer

Marketing Expert coming from the Food and Gastronomy Business. 
Former Marketing Manager at the most experienced accelerator Venture Capital company in the CEE region.

Határ Péter

Head of Delivery

As a former Restaurant Manager, has a great experience in Creative & Strategy development of Restaurants and Food Delivery business.

Csepregi Daniel

Head of Sales

More than 2 years building Avokadoim Food Delivery Department and developing a professional service of the Restaurants and Hotels in Hungary.

Tóth Daniel

Commercial Manager

Former Logistic Manager at Event Companies, Control of payment, now the head of Wholesale Shop at Avokadoim, controlling the selling and wholesale logistic.


Our global trade headquarters include 4 companies:





Logistics Centers

Our Logistics Centers are located at:







Budapesti Nagybani Piac, 1239
27. számú épület, 18. szám raktárhelyiség, Hungary

Call us

WhatsApp +36-30-232-0116

Our Story

Coming from a farmers’ family, we have a great passion and understanding about growing crops. Our family owns 360 hectares of fields in Israel which all started back in the '60s with growing grapes and tomatoes.